Underwater Glam

I recently did this underwater shoot with my good friend, “brother from another mother” Bryan Powell, always amazing! He has a real passion for underwater photography. To check out some of his other work bryanmpowell.blogspot.com

We wanted to work on something more editorial as retail clients can have its restrictions.

We shot these pics in a pool up in Kloof, Durban.

Mid winter poor Kyala and Bryan almost froze to death and I was more than happy to direct from dry ground above.

It’s quite a challenge with underwater shoots as you don’t have much control over the hair, clothing etc

So I decided to use a Turban to add to the structured look I was going for.

I’m so happy with the outcome and am looking forward to sharing the next underwater shoot “Pastel Fusion” with you!!

Styling and art directing:  Adele.Schmitz

Photographer: Bryan Powell from Pure Studio

Model.: Kayla M from Models International

Make-up: Laura Halgreen

Thanks to Amy Venter from Jane sews for her beautiful clothing, it added to the perfection of our shoot! Check her stuff out http://www.facebook.com/JaneSewsZa



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